Celebrating Culture 3

Celebrating Culture in Design

“It is not about the way you look, it’s not about the colour of your skin, it’s about being accepted and understood as aboriginal within the community.”

Hon Linda Burney, First Aboriginal Women elected NSW Parliament

As Principal Designer, and owner of Illumina Design, based in Fremantle WA, I am proud of the design and collaboration my company does with Indigenous artists to design and create large public works, Yarning Circles, bespoke art commissions which bring the colours, culture and storytelling in long lasting mosaics, walkways and entrances.

Illumina Design is a WA design company that brings together a collaborative approach with Indigenous and local communities of each Town beautifying and telling Indigenous and pioneer stories with art decorated walkways/parks and community areas.

We started with a passion to bring colour to cemeteries as well as renovating and beautifying cemeteries, also working with local communities on Unmarked Grave projects and has now expanded our designs into large art installations/walkways and street art decorations

We have just completed a piece commissioned by the Katanning Yarning Group with the 10 Noongar contributors – the piece representing the “Heart of Country” which is Katanning and the surrounding areas.

Our most recent project was working with the local indigenous groups from Katanning and surrounding groups in Tambellup, Badgebup, Kojonup and Nyabing to create a large mosaic piece, representing the 4 surrounding local towns and their story. This mosaic was created by the local women in a 4-day workshop held every Monday over a month.

Art , Installation & Statues
Art , Installation & Statues

We started with a passion to bring colour to cemeteries as well as renovating and beautifying cemeteries, also working with local communities on Unmarked Grave projects and has now expanded our designs into large art installations/walkways and street art decorations

We have just completed a piece commissioned by the Katanning Yarning Group with the 10 Noongar contributors – the piece representing the “Heart of Country” which is Katanning and the surrounding areas.

Our most recent project was working with the local indigenous groups from Katanning and surrounding groups in Tambellup, Badgebup, Kojonup and Nyabing to create a large mosaic piece, representing the 4 surrounding local towns and their story. This mosaic was created by the local women in a 4-day workshop held every Monday over a month.

The result of this wonderful collaboration and creation is proudly on display now in the foyer of one of the Shire buildings. Lottery West media attended our workshop, interviewed and photographed our local Indigenous participants, and the final product of their collaboration.